The Music Of Lloyd Loar

In this category I would like to present the music of Lloyd Loar.
The very well known mandolin and banjo luthier Lloyd Loar has composed and arranged very nice tenor banjo tunes. His method books for learning the technique of the tenor banjo are excellent. They are very detailed and have a fantastic didactic way of teaching. Lloyd Loar explains all the important topics for a professional banjo playing and gives special hints about string instruments, too. These books give you also information how to master virtuosic playing of string instruments.
Lloyd Loar studied music music theory, piano, orchestration, canon, harmony and counterpoint at several high class universities. He stayed a while in Europe as a student and musicians to support the war against the emporer. Back in the USA Lloyd Loar was a popular and professional musician. He did a lot of radio shows and concert tours. Aside he produced amazing and unique string instruments, which cost to 250000 USD nowadays.
Here is the cover and the table of content of Lloyd Loar's first issue of his four-piece method book folio. The second issue deals with the jazzy tenor banjo. How to jazz and to rag could be the theme for this folio. The third issue of his method book series deals with the "professional" banjoist and gives a lot of special details about tenor banjo technique. Glissandi, slides, strokes, grace notes and all the banjo specials are mentioned in this superb folio. The last issue includes superb arrangments of classic compositions for a professional banjoist.